Worker Burnout

Health Care System Strained As Worker Burnout Increases


What is worker burnout?

Worker BurnoutWorker burnout is a special type of work-related stress, a state of physical or emotional exhaustion that also involves a sense of reduced accomplishment and loss of personal identity. “Burnout” isn’t a medical diagnosis. Some experts think that other conditions, such as depression, are behind burnout.

Social Work Burnout

Burnout can impair a social worker’s ability to fulfill their ethical responsibility to their clients. It is characterized by emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and reduced personal accomplishment. Social work practitioners experiencing burnout can be less-attuned and less-sensitive to themselves and others

Ellen Scott

I work as a nurse and this is 100% accurate of what is going on. Everyone I work with, in every department in the hospital is burned out, including CNA’s, RRT’s, Pharmacy, EVS, America needs to wake up….these are the people who will care for you when you are at your worst!


It’s not just nurses and doctors!!!! RT is right at the bedside along with CNA and cleaning staff are important too. The constant dismissal of everyone else is disgusting.

Nikki J

I was in the hospital for a minor surgery a few months ago and the Nurses were amazing, but most of them were Travel Nurses because others quit. Then there was one Nurse who was soo traumatized with her work load she began venting and then talking out of her head. I began to pray with her until she calmed down. The burnout is real. Praying for all.


The doctors and nurses can afford to quit. No one EVER mentions the CNA’s. They literally do the messy work. They are woefully underpaid. Often single Moms who live paycheck to paycheck. Especially those who work with the elderly. I can’t even imagine their “burnout” levels.

The calm way home

I left my staff job and now work as a traveling healthcare worker. If I need a month off after my assignment, there is nobody to tell me no. I work when I want to and make way more money. No way I am returning to a staff job.

Lake County Naturalist

We in Retail send all our love to our brothers and sisters on the front lines in healthcare. You are not alone in your fatigue and frustration. Hang in there. WE WILL BE VICTORIOUS!

soulseeker aka sandy wolf

Thank you Health Care Workers for going above and beyond the call of duty!


My kid is out there saving lives and for what? She’s so exhausted and the behaviors she’s witnessing is bizarre. She’s just a first responder. Can’t imagine how our dedicated doctors and nurses are holding up. They aren’t. They’ve been burning at both ends now for YEARS. 🤨 Think about them before you go out nonchalantly running around partying. 😔 They don’t get to see their families enough and they have them to protect as well. Please.

kyung lee

Everything they say is true… wish I can leave nursing myself but I’m the “bread winner” in the family unfortunately. It pays the bills even though the thought of going to work just makes me feel miserable and depressed.

Mdmmy Socialmedia

What Many People Fail To Understand Is That All Emergency First Responders Are Always Under Tremendous Physical and Psychological Mental Stresses: When I took my clinical emergency training in the hospital’s emergency room, I saw first hand the constant alert levels that all Allied Health Personnel Face Every Hour On Their Shift Watches.

What People Should Realize Is That The Emergency Room (E.R.) Operates Quite Differently From The Rest Of The Hospital Under Normal Conditions: Now with the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Global Pandemic, the whole hospital is now essentially one big emergency room. Usually you can draw a distinction between the E.R. and the more normal less stressful routine care of patients within other parts of the hospital. Not now, COVID-19 has changed the total atmospheric conditions of the Hospital.

Yolanda L Cheek

I felt like that as a CNA but this was 3 years before the pandemic. I don’t blame him for quitting. Increase their pay, although they will still be burnt out their was always a shortage in health care

Camden Ward

Thank you nurses and doctors. We appreciate your services.

Crystal Love

I wouldn’t blame my sister for quitting the medical field.

Mary W

What isn’t talked about here is the attitudes of patients and patient families toward healthcare workers who are treating their illness and, sometimes, saving their lives. People are flat out rude, entitled and direct whatever anger or lunacy they may be suffering towards healthcare workers. If you don’t trust the hospital/science/facts and believe they are the enemy, then don’t seek care from places that do. Common sense is not common anymore.

Cassidy Smith

It will be a very sad time in America when hospitals start shutting down because of lack of staff.


Thank you ALL medical staff for your hard work and dedication we appreciate you more than you can ever imagine 🙏💕

Fox Puddles

If I could become a nurse over night I would apply. Thank you too all the nurses that remain in the fight

El Jefe

We also have Taco Bell and Panda Express employees making 17-22 dollars an hour stuffing tacos and slinging chow menu while acute care Pcts make 15-18 an hour elbow deep in grandmas bed full of c diff while also being abused by the etoh patient in bed 5. Remind me why they would enter or stay in the healthcare field? This system is broken like everything else in this country.

Talking_ Tina88

There’s more than Doctors and Nurses in the hospitals and Healthcare expands beyond hospitals and nursing homes. Let’s be more considerate of that and show some respect, acknowledgement, and support to everyone who’s out here sacrificing their lives.


I can’t blame them at all.

Kelly o

I do not blame any healthcare professional for quitting or retiring early. I would be fed up too if I were in their shoes.

Ashia OnHerAGame

I work at university hospital! As A customer service representative in the patient experience/relations department. It is very scary and lots of visitors come to the desk even people who are ill will come to the front desk ask for help not knowing they can put me at risk along with my co-workers which some have caught Covid! Right now we’re in the red status meaning no visitations at all to their loved ones but we do, do virtual visiting which still puts me and other staff at risk because we have to go upstairs to the units smh it does not make any sense we need more help to keep our health & well being on a excellent status!

Alex Barboza

As a Registered Nurse I just want to vacation in my bed for a week.


No one anticipated the pandemic would go on as long as it has, or it being as mismanaged as it was during the beginning. The health care system is struggling to adapt. These people do not get enough credit.

Jaren Nadong

Healthcare worker here. 6 days a week of work. Understaffed. Tired af.


Fun fact: if we’re out with covid, our hours have to made up with hours from our personal PTO bank

ingie and Socks

I really feel bad for the floor nurses and supportive staff working in the COVID units.
Fortunately I work in the operating room, we don’t do cases on COVID positive patient.Butwe deal with less staff since Omicron emerged since more had to call in and be cleared before going to work . But If they close the operating room and make us work in the floors , I will retire because my body can not handle it plus my skills are rusty.
I respect the nurses and staff who work the COVID units , it takes a lot of strength and skill to handle those cases


Let all the hospitals get overwhelmed, let staff quit, let the hospitals close down & let the American public learn their lesson the hard way…

Legendary Zodiac

Love and prayers for them,

A Hanna

The Hospital industry have always treated the staff like 💩💩💩💩💩

Terran Sage

There needs to be some kind of intervention to improve their pay and working conditions. Idk if that would be most likely on a hospital admin level or a federal level, but this can’t go
Cherry Cheshire

Good, corporate entities and bosses need to remember workers and nurses are people too! Its really draining working for entities that can care less for their well-being.


I burned out. I’m a Respiratory Therapist 23 years of experience. COVID made me look at what I need to do to get out of here. 3-5 years I’ll be 55 and my plan is to go drive the small bus for the school system here in San Diego……im just done!!!


You have all had it!
Walkout, leave selfish human beings in the dark! Tell them that medical staff has a right to refuse any services!

Qiyamah Saleem

I’m quitting as soon as possible. I am underpaid and we’re understaffed.

Miss Spell

Is there any way a person can volunteer? My husband died of covid and I’m more than happy to clean or cook or whatever


Solution: Hold the hospital administration accountable.
This will most likely have to come from regulation, or when the hospital has no staff, the administrators will be forced to step in, and maybe some changes will be done.

Kathe Barnett

I dont blame them nobody is doing anything no leaders are doing anything to help anyone on this planet.

Kostya Incredible

Hi guys, I wish you all a good day and a great mood. I hope that the vaccine will be reliable and will save many millions of lives!

C- Power

Health care workers must be taken care of at all cost.

Justin Case

Taking vacation days when your sick is nothing new. Just ask any nursing assistant who has worked in the past 25 years how many times they were forced to use vacation days as sick days. Most of the time using vacation days helped keep your paychecks from being too short. Using sick days did not pay enough and made for a big hardship that month. And people wonder why people are leaving the health care field. Right.


My spouse’s supervisor was calling and calling, like it was for something important. On his day off she was calling about his opinion on a design for another darn super hero T-shirt! Another duking t-shirt!? He would much rather be treated better, be valued, payed better or use those funds to higher more staff, rather than spending more funds on pr garbage! Priorities! Oh and they’ve been calling him all week to come in to work too because so many are out sick… Luckily they are not mandated yet. But he was mandated last week to work up to 16-17 hours after he worked overnight shift because staff were out sick. Who knew becoming a medical worker would end up like this. Heroes don’t wear capes pleassse, most laugh at that when they hear that. “Heroes” who are treated poorly, underpaid, overworked and understaffed by managers, admin, CEO’s, heroes who are used and taken advantage of! Then they get fired when they are burned out. Some patients don’t help either.

The End Of the world

What about all of the other disciplines in healthcare? PT(physical therapist), Dietary, CNA, House Keeping…etc
It’s NOT only nurses that are tired!
So disrespectful and dismissive!
Get a grip…pls!
Thank God you are able to work!


even after this, antivaccers dont believe that covid exists! dear doctors,nurses and hospital staff, you are true heroes!

Claire Bear



Biden ought to just go a different route to force the mandate, give businesses something or do a slow down of whatever they’re getting from the government.


Nurses and the support staff.
Absolutely don’t use your vacation time.
You’re gonna need that!
It’s not a we can’t afford to pay you for sick time issue.


I can go flip burgers for 15$ 😂 as a nurse I’m burnt out and we all have been dealing with this for way to long from Doctors to RN and LVN we need change and it needs to happen soon

Getty Gets

Train more physicians! There are thousands of unmatched physicians waiting for a match. Increase the number of residency spots. The US senate needs fund more residency spots, especially for US citizen medical school graduates.

Edgar Allen Fuzz

Healthcare worker for 41 years. Retiring! I can work somewhere else part-time and not have to compromise my own health and personal beliefs while playing second fiddle to the governing body that is only into money and power!

Fleur Bandito

Medical decisions are made between doctor and patient not mandated by government. Let educated medical professionals make their own decisions.

Trish-Anne Sewell

Not just hospitals! And not just nurses! Nursing home nurses and CNAs are also struggling and working understaffed and being responsible for 40+ patients who are very sick and need constant care.

Harmony Mitcham

I went to school for health care never used my degree just didnt like it, the American healthcare system is extremely broken for the workers and the patients its sad.

LeaAnn Maldonado

Maybe ridiculous mandates are why you’ve lost seasoned workers. No jab…no job but let sick, jabbed workers treat patients? Sounds like an administrative issue that’s living with their short sighted decisions.

Archana Nagarajan

Your country doesn’t heed to researchers, teachers, health, nurse, doctors, common man…


I respect everyone’s job title but Nurses have to take care “sick” human being .We take care of their precious “LIFE” .We often under appreciated .We’ve been abused by the management for not taking “breaks” or lunch because we have to take care of others first.We are not allowed to even sit down.We are not allowed to cry when someone dies because we still have to take care of others depending on us.We are not allowed to leave the place unless the next shift Nurse will relieve us after the 13 hour shift and would most like be extended to more than 16 hours or we will be reported to the Board of Nursing of abandonment and lose our license .The system is broken so are we.We are broken-hearted.It doesn’t feel good when you work in healthcare and being threatened to be reported by doing your job in a safe manner.It doesn’t feel good when you have all the good intentions yet no one sees it but your patients.It doesn’t feel good knowing that no one will relieve you after a long hour shift and taking your life away from you other than working.They don’t care about us.It’s sad but I’m slowly losing my interest in Nursing.

jack Duffley

Everyday that goes by the more I realize we are just at the beginning of this . Thanks to all the hard work and dedication that has been going into crypto market.


GOD bless you health workers

Isthisredwine ?

We need more tik tok dances

Ana 🧚‍♀️

I’m with you ! I have put my arm as I was call to. I take care of my self.

Tommy Murray

My wife is a director of nursing in a skilled living nursing home. She managed to get her co workers $5-$6 raises. That’s WAY better than the normal dollar raise. Normally, they get like a 3-5% pay raise, she got them way above that! Now, she can’t get people to come in to work! Her stna’s, LPN’s, even the janitor!! They’re all doing everything they can to get out of work! I know this because my wife doesn’t want agency nurses involved, so she picks up as many shifts as she can. She says agency nurses don’t know the residents, tend to be argumentive with the residents and even staff! Some people just take pride in what they do while others just try to abuse the little bits of power they have..

Mai Vaj

No offense, but those nurses and doctors went into the medical field for a reason. If you’re feeling pressured and stressed out because you actually have to work, it’s time for a career change, duh. There are plenty of college students that will fill in your position.


Left the med field 3 months ago, I never been more happy working for myself. 💩 Rolls down hill, and management is thee worst in that field, overworked and underappreciated, underpaid.


I hate how we were told by nurses to get vaccinated to make things easier for them but nurses that publicly doubted the vaccine made people not want it even more

Lana Bern
2 months ago (edited)
I’m a California Registered Nurse but not working as one. I just maintain my license.

Chris W

Now imagine all the people they fired that WANTED their JOB. Smh

ALI A.Z Singer
2 months ago (edited)
This guy speaking should be ashamed of himself, there are many brave health care workers and front Liners who have put there live at risk for safety of humanity all across USA. What will you call those people. They were not the authority but they did there job. Death can be at home as well just when you are sitting on your couch but to devote your life for others is the true essence of what you are made up of.

Stormchasingirl 1

When y’all go to a hospital one day and it is closed, don’t say I didn’t warn you. This WILL happen!

Janica LeFlore

Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. LUKE 21:26 KJV

Mr. Mcgoo

They need pay raises. Give some of the COVID bonus money that hospitals received to staff. Provide them with PPe’s and N95 masks. Hospitals bean counters and administrators continue to receive fat bonuses and pay increases. This should end now.

David Langum

Unfortunately, unless we support our healthcare workers, we might need a medical draft to make up for the shortfall when the next pandemic arises.


So maybe not the best time for the woke to fire those not taking the jab? Wild.

Nathaniel Austin

I’m so glad I don’t work in the medical field anymore It’s got to be mad crazy right now. News flash it’s already too late.


Why complain if you love what you’re doing? I’ve worked throughout this mess without complaining.

Aquarian Light

Use vacation days WTF? Get Covid on the job though? NO wonder workers are quitting HEALTHCARE

Gabriel Ruvalcaba

Well ..Joey said he will be ending this


As someone who has been sick during the pandemic, I have absolutely no pity for these healthcare workers. They have made mistake after mistake, are verbally abusive and neglectful in their responsibilities. As a former EMT I find it atrocious. I know some people are trying hard to be professional but an alarming number have now come to believe their utterly detestable behavior is acceptable. The bad apples spoil the bunch, and rest assured when the dust settles you will find they killed a lot of people who didn’t have to die.


its sad nowadays lower level employee are disposable. Company not willing to increase the salary and find new job is the only way to get better compensated. This is happening in all industry.

tippin turtle

Nurses were treated poorly and were pad less than their worth prior to the pandemic. Well what does the hospital administration have to say now? How about we order you a pizza!

Adam Smith

Don’t care. This is entirely a management problem not a COVID problem. Hospitals should stop cutting to the bear minimum and HCWs need to start protesting against the people at the top

Jason Lopez

I thought healthcare workers make a lot of money. That’s all I’ve been told my whole entire life. Need to start paying people better to keep them around.

Stay In Your Lane Audits

🤔 when hospitals are more concerned with profits than hiring more staff.

Wee Wee

Don’t forget about the nurses leaving due to Mandatory Shots

Gloria Tedford

Nobody said this was going to be a home run

Peter Kennedey

Expect a bigger shortage due to the mandate now!

Somewhere in Indiana

It’s too bad that part of the reason is firing thousands of health care employees when they were needed most.

Katherine Hannah

I’m sorry but I don’t blame them I would leave too I’m sorry but I get it both ways but also you put your life on the line for somebody else not to mention when you leave the hospital whoever you’re around is also endangered as well or not even getting paid enough at that but I get it cuz when they got the job that’s what they signed up for is to help us when we’re sick but this is a very deadly disease so you have to understand what these people are coming from you can’t be mad because they quit their job

Aysha Ullah

Yes we are tired 😪

Debbie Hunt

Simple fix: Stop hospitalizing the unvaccinated!!!

Jason Lopez

Every job did not treat most workers very well. Miss one day they’d fire you nowadays you miss one month and they’re calling you back over and over the next 30 days🤔🤔🤔 is the workers time
Thank you Joe Biden 👍🏽

HH Win

I’m a pharmacist and I wanna quit. Too many vaccinations on top of our regular work. I’m exhausted every day whe I get home.

Brahma ped

When a country burn another for it’s plunder some kind of karma has to happen

lange71 krakapoi

This is a serious problem , but lets just look the other way ! :(

pinedo vlogs

yupp i worked at a deli and registered nurse said nomatter what they pay you its not worth it right now to work in the hospitals because they arent given them breaks that they truly need and deserve and they have to chugging down redbulls because of so many hours needed to work they cant be with family members either just have no time because they need to sleep from exhaustion this is crazy people need to take care of themselves now or itll be too late ⏰ trullly is an emotional spiritual mental toll gor them its not even funny anymore people need to be more responsible

Boxing enthusiast

More staff and more money 💰 there’s a solution

Zachary Wagner

You know I never wanted to be shot at so I never joined the military if you don’t want to take care of sick people and work a lot don’t become a nurse or physician, try to pay attention at what you choose to do to get paid


If college was free or affordable we’d have more health care providers but guess what college isn’t free or affordable You’d think the u.s would invest in it’s citizens but nope

Emu Riddle

We are not human beings to them.

They just see us as maids. Or an opportunity to squeeze money out of us.


Ironic all of a sudden the nurses are burnt out when the rest of healthcare was already burnt out welcome what happens when you promote nurses to administration by doctors who are never told no see the cycle of failure.

dharma renee

The World is breaking and the people who can fix it won’t because they are not being affected. 😔


So glad I left inpatient care!

Fleur Bandito

What exactly do you want people to do? “Being here for us” is so vague you might as well say nothing.

Leia G
NEWSFLASH: Corporate Amerikkka, including the Disease care system does not care about you, me, or our momma’s. this nurse is staying home, and staying healthy


America be like. We called them heros, put hearts on our business windows, and we put a Foosball table in the break room incase they ever got a break. I think we’ve done enough.

William Terry Masters

No matter your age no matter your health all people die at any time I wonder why that is

Charlie Tompkins

I’m so done with being a RN!! Over and out!!!

Nkaujhmoob Thoj

All people in American should listen and follow the CDC guidelines. Think about ur love one, u don’t do for other but do to yourself. Help all those health care nurse too. This country need to get back together.

Janica LeFlore

These are the judgments of God! Come out of her my people and be ye separate!

tio lio

Health issue,Discrimination issue,Ecomonomic issue,50 Milion undocumented immigration issue,Mental issue,Food polution and water issue,Homlesness issue,….All this problems cant not be fix anymore.TO late for everything.

Hugh Mungus

Problem: Strained healthcare system causing staff burnout
Causes: (Relatively) short-term spikes in Omicron variant
Solution: Cancelling student debt…. Really?

Forever is Now – Deehcently Crafty


Samson Gozyan

It’s not just burnout. We’re getting abused.

Andrea Boggan

The American Wealthcare System.

Alex Rios

Overworked and underpaid… MEANWHILE HMO”S AMASSING FORTUNES obviously resigning !!

Hugo Aguiar

Enjoy being unemployed , vaccine mandates are no joke,no health workers but mandated healthcare how is that going to work for us !? We forced to pay , but can’t get an appointment ! No taxation without representation !

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